Source code for smpl.envs.beerfmtenv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
BeerFMT simulates the Beer Fermentation process.

import math
import random

import numpy as np
from gym import spaces, Env
from scipy.integrate import odeint

from .utils import *

BEER_init = [0, 2, 2, INIT_SUGAR, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA = 0, 2, 2, 130, 0, 0, 0
BIOMASS_end_threshold = 0.5
BIOMASS_end_change_threshold = 0.01
SUGAR_end_threshold = 0.5
ZERO_C_IN_K = 273.15

[docs]def beer_ode(points, t, sets): """ Beer fermentation process """ X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA = points S0, T = sets k_x = 0.5 * S0 u_x0 = math.exp(108.31 - 31934.09 / T) Y_EA = math.exp(89.92 - 26589 / T) u_s0 = math.exp(-41.92 + 11654.64 / T) u_L = math.exp(30.72 - 9501.54 / T) u_DY = 0.000127672 u_AB = 0.00113864 u_DT = math.exp(130.16 - 38313 / T) u_SD0 = math.exp(33.82 - 10033.28 / T) u_e0 = math.exp(3.27 - 1267.24 / T) k_s = math.exp(-119.63 + 34203.95 / T) u_x = u_x0 * S / (k_x + EtOH) u_SD = u_SD0 * 0.5 * S0 / (0.5 * S0 + EtOH) u_s = u_s0 * S / (k_s + S) u_e = u_e0 * S / (k_s + S) f = 1 - EtOH / (0.5 * S0) dXAt = u_x * X_A - u_DT * X_A + u_L * X_L dXLt = -u_L * X_L dXDt = -u_SD * X_D + u_DT * X_A dSt = -u_s * X_A dEtOHt = f * u_e * X_A dDYt = u_DY * S * X_A - u_AB * DY * EtOH # todo dEAt = Y_EA * u_x * X_A # dEAt = -Y_EA * u_s * X_A return np.array([dXAt, dXLt, dXDt, dSt, dEtOHt, dDYt, dEAt])
[docs]class BeerFMTEnvGym(smplEnvBase): def __init__(self, dense_reward=True, normalize=True, debug_mode=False, action_dim=1, observation_dim=8, reward_function=None, done_calculator=None, max_observations=[15, 15, 15, 150, 150, 10, 10, MAX_STEPS], min_observations=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], max_actions=[16.0], min_actions=[9.0], observation_name=["X_A", "X_L", "X_D", "S", "EtOH", "DY", "EA", "time"], action_name=["temperature"], np_dtype=np.float32, max_steps=MAX_STEPS, error_reward=-float(MAX_STEPS)): """ Time is in our observation_space. We make the env time aware. The only action/input is temperature. The observations are Active Biomass (g/L), Lag Biomass (g/L), Dead Biomass (g/L), Sugar (g/L), Ethanol (g/L), Diacetyl (g/L), Ethyl Acetate (g/L), time (Hours) """ # define arguments self.step_count = 0 self.total_reward = 0 self.done = False self.dense_reward = dense_reward self.normalize = normalize self.debug_mode = debug_mode self.action_dim = action_dim self.observation_dim = observation_dim self.reward_function = reward_function self.done_calculator = done_calculator self.max_observations = max_observations self.min_observations = min_observations self.max_actions = max_actions self.min_actions = min_actions self.observation_name = observation_name self.action_name = action_name if self.observation_name is None: self.observation_name = [f'o_{i}' for i in range(self.observation_dim)] if self.action_name is None: self.action_name = [f'a_{i}' for i in range(self.action_dim)] self.np_dtype = np_dtype self.max_steps = max_steps self.error_reward = error_reward if self.reward_function is None: self.reward_function = self.reward_function_standard if self.done_calculator is None: self.done_calculator = self.done_calculator_standard # define the state and action spaces self.max_observations = np.array(self.max_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.min_observations = np.array(self.min_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.max_actions = np.array(self.max_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.min_actions = np.array(self.min_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype) if self.normalize: self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.observation_dim,)) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.action_dim,)) else: self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_observations, high=self.max_observations, shape=(self.observation_dim,)) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_actions, high=self.max_actions, shape=(self.action_dim,)) self.res_forplot = [] # for plotting purposes
[docs] def reward_function_standard(self, previous_observation, action, current_observation, reward=None): if reward is not None: return reward elif self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation) or self.action_beyond_box(action): return self.error_reward done, done_info = self.done_calculator(current_observation, self.step_count, reward) early_submission = done_info.get('early_submission', False) if early_submission: reward = -self.error_reward # early submission is rewarded. The end goal in this simulation is to reach the stop condition (finish production) with a certain time limit, the quicker the better. elif done: reward = self.error_reward # reaches time limit but reaction has not finished else: reward = -1 # should finish as soon as possible reward = max(self.error_reward, reward) # reward cannot be smaller than the error_reward if self.debug_mode: print("reward:", reward) return reward
[docs] def done_calculator_standard(self, current_observation, step_count, reward, update_prev_biomass=False, done=None, done_info=None): if done is None: done = False else: if done_info is not None: return done, done_info else: raise Exception("When done is given, done_info should also be given.") if done_info is None: done_info = {"terminal": False, "timeout": False} else: if done_info["terminal"] or done_info["timeout"]: done = True return done, done_info if self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation): done_info["terminal"] = True done = True if reward == self.error_reward: done_info["terminal"] = True done = True if step_count >= self.max_steps: # same as range(0, max_steps) done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["timeout"] = True done = True X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA, time = current_observation current_biomass = X_A + X_L + X_D if current_biomass < BIOMASS_end_threshold or abs( current_biomass - self.prev_biomass) < BIOMASS_end_change_threshold: if S < SUGAR_end_threshold: if EtOH > 50.0: done_info["terminal"] = True # this is still terminal, though should be rewarded. done_info["early_submission"] = True done = True if update_prev_biomass: self.prev_biomass = current_biomass return done, done_info
[docs] def sample_initial_state(self): # init_X_L = np.random.uniform(2 * 0.9, 2 * 1.1) # around 2 init_X_D = np.random.uniform(2 * 0.9, 2 * 1.1) # around 2 init_SUGER = np.random.uniform(INIT_SUGAR * 0.9, INIT_SUGAR * 1.1) # around INIT_SUGAR observation = np.array([0, init_X_L, init_X_D, init_SUGER, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=self.np_dtype) return observation
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None, normalize=None): """ required by gym. This function resets the environment and returns an initial observation. """ self.step_count = 0 self.total_reward = 0 self.done = False if initial_state is not None: initial_state = np.array(initial_state, dtype=self.np_dtype) observation = initial_state self.init_observation = initial_state else: observation = self.sample_initial_state() self.init_observation = observation self.previous_observation = observation # TOMODIFY: reset your environment here. self.prev_biomass = observation[0] + observation[1] + observation[2] normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize if normalize: observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) return observation
[docs] def step(self, action, normalize=None): """ required by gym. This function performs one step within the environment and returns the observation, the reward, whether the episode is finished and debug information, if any. """ if self.debug_mode: print("action:", action) reward = None done = None done_info = {"terminal": False, "timeout": False} action = np.array(action, dtype=self.np_dtype) normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize if normalize: action, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(action, self.max_actions, self.min_actions) # TOMODIFY: proceed your environment here and collect the observation. t = np.arange(0 + self.step_count, 1 + self.step_count, BIOMASS_end_change_threshold) X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA, _ = self.previous_observation sol = odeint(beer_ode, (X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA), t, args=([INIT_SUGAR, action[0] + ZERO_C_IN_K],)) self.res_forplot.append(sol[-1, :]) X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA = sol[-1, :] observation = [X_A, X_L, X_D, S, EtOH, DY, EA, self.step_count + 1] observation = np.array(observation, dtype=self.np_dtype) if not reward: reward = self.reward_function(self.previous_observation, action, observation, reward=reward) if not done: done, done_info = self.done_calculator(observation, self.step_count, reward, update_prev_biomass=True, done=done, done_info=done_info) self.previous_observation = observation self.total_reward += reward if self.dense_reward: reward = reward # conventional elif not done: reward = 0.0 else: reward = self.total_reward # clip observation so that it won't be beyond the box observation = observation.clip(self.min_observations, self.max_observations) if normalize: observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) self.step_count += 1 info = {"res_forplot": np.array(self.res_forplot)} info.update(done_info) return observation, reward, done, info