# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ReactorEnv simulates a general reactor environment. This is supposed to be an template environment. The documentations in that file is enhanced and provided comment lines (# ---- standard ---- and # /---- standard ----) enclose pieces of code that should be reused by most of smpl environments. Please consult the smplEnvBase class.
import json
import os
import random
# ---- to capture numpy warnings ----
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpctools as mpc
import numpy as np
import torch
from gym import spaces, Env # to create an openai-gym environment https://gym.openai.com/
from mzutils import SimplePriorityQueue
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp # the ode solver
from tqdm import tqdm
from .utils import *
# ---- to capture numpy warnings ----
# macros the defined by the reactor
MAX_OBSERVATIONS = [1.0, 100.0, 1.0] # cA, T, h
MIN_OBSERVATIONS = [1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08]
MAX_ACTIONS = [35.0, 0.2] # Tc, qout
MIN_ACTIONS = [15.0, 0.05]
STEADY_OBSERVATIONS = [0.8778252, 51.34660837, 0.659]
STEADY_ACTIONS = [26.85, 0.1]
ERROR_REWARD = -1000.0
[docs]class ReactorPID:
"""a simple proportional controller that utilizes the config of this environment.
[type]: action.
def __init__(self, Kis, steady_state=[0.8778252, 0.659], steady_action=[26.85, 0.1], min_action=[15.0, 0.05],
max_action=[35.0, 0.2]):
self.Kis = Kis
self.steady_state = steady_state
self.steady_action = steady_action
self.len_c = len(steady_action)
self.min_action = min_action
self.max_action = max_action
[docs] def predict(self, state):
state = [state[0], state[2]]
action = []
for i in range(self.len_c):
a = self.Kis[i] * (state[i] - self.steady_state[i]) + self.steady_action[i]
action.append(np.clip(a, self.min_action[i], self.max_action[i]))
return np.array(action)
[docs]class ReactorMPC:
"""a simple MPC controller.
[type]: action.
def __init__(self, Nt=20, dt=0.1, Q=np.eye(3) * 0.1, R=np.eye(2) * 0.0, P=np.eye(3) * 0.1):
self.Nt = Nt # control and prediction horizons
self.dt = dt # sampling time. Should be the same as the step size in the model
self.Q = Q # weight on the state variables
self.R = R # weight on the input variables
self.P = P # terminal cost weight (optional). set to zero matrix with appropriate dimension
self.Nx = 3 # number of state variables
self.Nu = 2 # number of input variables
self.min_action = [15.0, 0.05]
self.max_action = [35.0, 0.2]
# reactor model
from smpl.envs.reactorenv import ReactorModel
self.model = ReactorModel(dt)
self.xs = np.array([0.8778252, 51.34660837, 0.659]) # steady-state state values
self.us = np.array([26.85, 0.1]) # steady state input values
# Define stage cost
[docs] def lfunc(self, x, u):
dx = x[:self.Nx] - self.xs[:self.Nx]
du = u[:self.Nu] - self.us[:self.Nu]
return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)
# define terminal weight
[docs] def Pffunc(self, x):
dx = x[:self.Nx] - self.xs[:self.Nx]
return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P, dx)
# build the mpc controller using mpctools
[docs] def build_controller(self):
# stage and terminal cost in casadi symbolic form
l = mpc.getCasadiFunc(self.lfunc, [self.Nx, self.Nu], ["x", "u"], funcname="l")
Pf = mpc.getCasadiFunc(self.Pffunc, [self.Nx], ["x"], funcname="Pf")
# Create casadi function/model to be used in the controller
ode_casadi = mpc.getCasadiFunc(self.model.ode, [self.Nx, self.Nu], ["x", "u"], funcname="odef")
# Set c to a value greater than one to use collocation
contargs = dict(
N={"t": self.Nt, "x": self.Nx, "u": self.Nu, "c": 3},
verbosity=0, # set verbosity to a number > 0 for debugging purposes otherwise use 0.
ub={"u": self.max_action}, # Change upper bounds
lb={"u": self.min_action}, # Change lower bounds
"x": self.xs[:self.Nx],
"u": self.us[:self.Nu]
# create MPC controller
self.mpc = mpc.nmpc(f=ode_casadi, Delta=self.dt, **contargs)
# solve mpc optimization problem at one time step
[docs] def predict(self, x):
# Update intial condition and solve control problem.
self.mpc.fixvar("x", 0, x) # Set initial value
self.mpc.solve() # solve optimal control problem
uopt = np.squeeze(self.mpc.var["u", 0]) # take the first optimal input solution
# if successful, save solution as initial guess for the next optimization problem
if self.mpc.stats["status"] == "Solve_Succeeded":
# return solution status and optimal input
return uopt
[docs]class ReactorMLPReinforceAgent(torch.nn.Module):
"""a simple torch-MLP based rl agent,.
[type]: Can either return a sampled action or the distribution the action sampled from.
def __init__(self, obs_dim=3, act_dim=2, hidden_size=6, device='cpu'):
super(ReactorMLPReinforceAgent, self).__init__()
log_std = -0.5 * np.ones(act_dim, dtype=np.float32)
self.log_std = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.as_tensor(log_std))
self.mu_net = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(obs_dim, hidden_size),
torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, act_dim))
self.device = device
[docs] def forward(self, obs, return_distribution=True):
mu = self.mu_net(obs)
std = torch.maximum(torch.exp(self.log_std), torch.ones_like(self.log_std) * 1e-4)
dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mu, std)
if return_distribution:
return dist
action = np.clip(dist.sample().numpy().flatten(), [0, 0], [100, 0.2]) # clip actions
return action
[docs]class ReactorModel:
def __init__(self, sampling_time):
# Define reactor model parameters
self.q_in = .1 # m^3/min
self.Tf = 76.85 # degrees C
self.cAf = 1.0 # kmol/m^3
self.r = .219 # m
self.k0 = 7.2e10 # min^-1
self.E_divided_by_R = 8750 # K
self.U = 54.94 # kg/min/m^2/K
self.rho = 1000 # kg/m^3
self.Cp = .239 # kJ/kg/K
self.dH = -5e4 # kJ/kmol
self.Nx = 3 # Number of state variables
self.Nu = 2 # Number of input variables
self.sampling_time = sampling_time # sampling time or integration step
# Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) described in the report i.e. Equations (1), (2), (3)
[docs] def ode(self, x, u):
c = x[0] # c_A
T = x[1] # T
h = x[2] # h
Tc = u[0] # Tc
q = u[1] # q_out
rate = self.k0 * c * np.exp(-self.E_divided_by_R / (T + 273.15)) # kmol/m^3/min
dxdt = [
self.q_in * (self.cAf - c) / (np.pi * self.r ** 2 * h + 1e-8) - rate, # kmol/m^3/min
self.q_in * (self.Tf - T) / (np.pi * self.r ** 2 * h + 1e-8)
- self.dH / (self.rho * self.Cp) * rate
+ 2 * self.U / (self.r * self.rho * self.Cp) * (Tc - T), # degree C/min
(self.q_in - q) / (np.pi * self.r ** 2) # m/min
return dxdt
# integrates one sampling time or time step and returns the next state
[docs] def step(self, x, u):
# return self.simulator.sim(x,u)
sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, x, u: self.ode(x, u), [0, self.sampling_time], x, args=(u,), method='LSODA')
return sol.y[:, -1]
[docs]class ReactorEnvGym(smplEnvBase):
def __init__(self, dense_reward=True, normalize=True, debug_mode=False, action_dim=2, observation_dim=3,
reward_function=None, done_calculator=None, max_observations=MAX_OBSERVATIONS,
min_observations=MIN_OBSERVATIONS, max_actions=MAX_ACTIONS, min_actions=MIN_ACTIONS,
error_reward=ERROR_REWARD, # general env inputs
initial_state_deviation_ratio=0.3, compute_diffs_on_reward=False, np_dtype=np.float32,
sampling_time=0.1, max_steps=100):
# ---- standard ----
# define arguments
self.step_count = 0
self.total_reward = 0
self.done = False
self.dense_reward = dense_reward
self.normalize = normalize
self.debug_mode = debug_mode
self.action_dim = action_dim
self.observation_dim = observation_dim
self.reward_function = reward_function
self.done_calculator = done_calculator
self.max_observations = max_observations
self.min_observations = min_observations
self.max_actions = max_actions
self.min_actions = min_actions
self.error_reward = error_reward
if self.reward_function is None:
self.reward_function = self.reward_function_standard
if self.done_calculator is None:
self.done_calculator = self.done_calculator_standard
# /---- standard ----
self.compute_diffs_on_reward = compute_diffs_on_reward # how the reward is computed, if True, then the reward is computed as the difference between the current state and the previous state
self.np_dtype = np_dtype
self.sampling_time = sampling_time
self.max_steps = max_steps
self.observation_name = ["cA", "T", "h"]
self.action_name = ["Tc", "qout"]
# ---- standard ----
# define the state and action spaces
self.max_observations = np.array(self.max_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype)
self.min_observations = np.array(self.min_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype)
self.max_actions = np.array(self.max_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype)
self.min_actions = np.array(self.min_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype)
if self.normalize:
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.observation_dim,))
self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.action_dim,))
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_observations, high=self.max_observations,
self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_actions, high=self.max_actions, shape=(self.action_dim,))
# /---- standard ----
self.steady_observations = np.array(STEADY_OBSERVATIONS, dtype=self.np_dtype) # cA, T, h
self.steady_actions = np.array(STEADY_ACTIONS, dtype=self.np_dtype) # Tc, qout
self.initial_state_deviation_ratio = initial_state_deviation_ratio
[docs] def reward_function_standard(self, previous_observation, action, current_observation, reward=None):
# ---- standard ----
# s, a, r, s, a
if reward is not None:
return reward
elif self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation) or self.action_beyond_box(action):
return self.error_reward
# /---- standard ----
current_observation_evaluated = self.evaluate_observation(current_observation)
assert isinstance(current_observation_evaluated, float)
if self.compute_diffs_on_reward:
previous_observation_evaluated = self.evaluate_observation(previous_observation)
assert isinstance(previous_observation_evaluated, float)
reward = current_observation_evaluated - previous_observation_evaluated
reward = current_observation_evaluated
# ---- standard ----
reward = max(self.error_reward, reward) # reward cannot be smaller than the error_reward
if self.debug_mode:
print("reward:", reward)
return reward
# /---- standard ----
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None, normalize=None):
# ---- standard ----
required by gym.
This function resets the environment and returns an initial observation.
self.step_count = 0
self.total_reward = 0
self.done = False
if initial_state is not None:
initial_state = np.array(initial_state, dtype=self.np_dtype)
observation = initial_state
self.init_observation = initial_state
observation = self.sample_initial_state()
self.init_observation = observation
self.previous_observation = observation
# /---- standard ----
self.reactor = ReactorModel(self.sampling_time)
# ---- standard ----
normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize
if normalize:
observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations)
return observation
# /---- standard ----
[docs] def step(self, action, normalize=None):
# ---- standard ----
required by gym.
This function performs one step within the environment and returns the observation, the reward, whether the episode is finished and debug information, if any.
if self.debug_mode:
print("action:", action)
reward = None
done = None
done_info = {"terminal": False, "timeout": False}
action = np.array(action, dtype=self.np_dtype)
normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize
if normalize:
action, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(action, self.max_actions, self.min_actions)
# /---- standard ----
# ---- to capture numpy warnings ----
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
observation = self.reactor.step(self.previous_observation, action)
except Exception as e:
print("Got Exception/Warning: ", e)
observation = self.previous_observation
reward = self.error_reward
done = True
done_info["terminal"] = True
# /---- to capture numpy warnings ----
# ---- standard ----
# compute reward
if not reward:
reward = self.reward_function(self.previous_observation, action, observation, reward=reward)
# compute done
if not done:
done, done_info = self.done_calculator(observation, self.step_count, reward, done=done, done_info=done_info)
self.previous_observation = observation
self.total_reward += reward
if self.dense_reward:
reward = reward # conventional
elif not done:
reward = 0.0
reward = self.total_reward
# clip observation so that it won't be beyond the box
observation = observation.clip(self.min_observations, self.max_observations)
if normalize:
observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations)
self.step_count += 1
info = {}
return observation, reward, done, info
# /---- standard ----
[docs] def evenly_spread_initial_states(self, val_per_state, dump_location=None):
Evenly spread initial states.
This function is needed only if the environment has steady_observations.
val_per_state (int): how many values to sampler per state.
[initial_states]: evenly spread initial_states.
initial_state_deviation_ratio = self.initial_state_deviation_ratio
steady_observations = self.steady_observations
len_obs = len(steady_observations)
val_range = val_per_state ** len_obs
initial_states = np.zeros([val_range, len_obs])
tmp_o = []
for oi in range(len_obs):
tmp_o.append(np.linspace(steady_observations[oi] * (1.0 - initial_state_deviation_ratio),
steady_observations[oi] * (1.0 + initial_state_deviation_ratio), num=val_per_state,
for i in range(val_range):
tmp_val_range = i
curr_val = []
for oi in range(len_obs):
rmder = tmp_val_range % val_per_state
tmp_val_range = int((tmp_val_range - rmder) / val_per_state)
initial_states[i] = curr_val
if dump_location is not None:
np.save(dump_location, initial_states)
return initial_states
# ---- standard ----
[docs] def evalute_algorithms(self, algorithms, num_episodes=1, error_reward=None, initial_states=None, to_plt=True,
when excecuting evalute_algorithms, the self.normalize should be False.
algorithms: list of (algorithm, algorithm_name, normalize). algorithm has to have a method predict(observation) -> action: np.ndarray.
num_episodes: number of episodes to run
error_reward: overwrite self.error_reward
initial_states: None, location of numpy file of initial states or a (numpy) list of initial states
to_plt: whether generates plot or not
plot_dir: None or directory to save plots
returns: list of average_rewards over each episode and num of episodes
assert self.normalize is False
except AssertionError:
print("env.normalize should be False when executing evalute_algorithms")
self.normalize = False
if error_reward is not None:
self.error_reward = error_reward
if plot_dir is not None:
initial_states = self.set_initial_states(initial_states, num_episodes)
observations_list = [[] for _ in range(
len(algorithms))] # observations_list[i][j][t][k] is algorithm_i_game_j_observation_t_element_k
actions_list = [[] for _ in
range(len(algorithms))] # actions_list[i][j][t][k] is algorithm_i_game_j_action_t_element_k
rewards_list = [[] for _ in range(len(algorithms))] # rewards_list[i][j][t] is algorithm_i_game_j_reward_t
for n_epi in tqdm(range(num_episodes)):
for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)):
algo, algo_name, normalize = algorithms[n_algo]
algo_observes = []
algo_actions = []
algo_rewards = [] # list, for this algorithm, reawards of this trajectory.
init_obs = self.reset(initial_state=initial_states[n_epi])
# algo_observes.append(init_obs)
o = init_obs
done = False
while not done:
if normalize:
o, _, _ = normalize_spaces(o, self.max_observations, self.min_observations)
a = algo.predict(o)
if normalize:
a, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(a, self.max_actions, self.min_actions)
o, r, done, _ = self.step(a)
if to_plt:
# plot observations
for n_o in range(self.observation_dim):
o_name = self.observation_name[n_o]
for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)):
alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo))
_, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo]
plt.plot(np.array(observations_list[n_algo][-1])[:, n_o], label=algo_name, alpha=alpha)
plt.plot([initial_states[n_epi][n_o] for _ in range(self.max_steps)], linestyle="--",
plt.plot([self.steady_observations[n_o] for _ in range(self.max_steps)], linestyle="-.",
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1))
plt.annotate(str(initial_states[n_epi][n_o]), xy=(0, initial_states[n_epi][n_o]))
plt.annotate(str(self.steady_observations[n_o]), xy=(0, self.steady_observations[n_o]))
if plot_dir is not None:
path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_observation_{o_name}.png")
# plot actions
for n_a in range(self.action_dim):
a_name = self.action_name[n_a]
for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)):
alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo))
_, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo]
plt.plot(np.array(actions_list[n_algo][-1])[:, n_a], label=algo_name, alpha=alpha)
plt.plot([self.steady_actions[n_a] for _ in range(self.max_steps)], linestyle="-.",
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1))
if plot_dir is not None:
path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_action_{a_name}.png")
# plot rewards
for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)):
alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo))
_, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo]
plt.plot(np.array(rewards_list[n_algo][-1]), label=algo_name, alpha=alpha)
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1))
if plot_dir is not None:
path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_reward.png")
observations_list = np.array(observations_list)
actions_list = np.array(actions_list)
rewards_list = np.array(rewards_list)
return observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list
# /---- standard ----
[docs] def evaluate_rewards_mean_std_over_episodes(self, algorithms, num_episodes=1, error_reward=None,
initial_states=None, to_plt=True, plot_dir='./plt_results',
returns: mean and std of rewards over all episodes.
since the rewards_list is not aligned (e.g. some trajectories are shorter than the others), so we cannot directly convert it to numpy array.
we have to convert and unwrap the nested list.
if computer_on_episodes, we first average the rewards_list over episodes, then compute the mean and std.
else, we directly compute the mean and std for each step.
result_dict = {}
observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list = self.evalute_algorithms(algorithms, num_episodes=num_episodes,
to_plt=to_plt, plot_dir=plot_dir)
from warnings import warn
warn('The function evaluate_rewards_mean_std_over_episodes is deprecated. Please use report_rewards.',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)):
_, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo]
rewards_list_curr_algo = rewards_list[n_algo]
if computer_on_episodes:
rewards_mean_over_episodes = [] # rewards_mean_over_episodes[n_epi] is mean of rewards of n_epi
for n_epi in range(num_episodes):
if rewards_list_curr_algo[n_epi][
-1] == self.error_reward: # if error_reward is provided, self.error_reward is overwritten in self.evalute_algorithms
rewards_mean = np.mean(rewards_mean_over_episodes)
rewards_std = np.std(rewards_mean_over_episodes)
unwrap_list = []
for games_r_list in rewards_list_curr_algo:
unwrap_list += games_r_list
rewards_mean = np.mean(unwrap_list)
rewards_std = np.std(unwrap_list)
print(f"{algo_name}_reward_mean: {rewards_mean}")
result_dict[algo_name + "_reward_mean"] = rewards_mean
print(f"{algo_name}_reward_std: {rewards_std}")
result_dict[algo_name + "_reward_std"] = rewards_std
if plot_dir is not None:
f_dir = os.path.join(plot_dir, 'result.json')
f_dir = 'result.json'
json.dump(result_dict, open(f_dir, 'w+'))
return observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list
[docs] def sample_initial_state(self):
init_observation = np.maximum(
np.random.uniform(low=(1 - self.initial_state_deviation_ratio) * self.steady_observations,
high=(1 + self.initial_state_deviation_ratio) * self.steady_observations), 0,
init_observation = init_observation.clip(self.min_observations, self.max_observations)
return init_observation
[docs] def evaluate_observation(self, observation):
observation: numpy array of shape (self.observation_dim)
returns: observation evaluation (reward in a sense)
return float(- (np.mean((observation - self.steady_observations) ** 2 / np.maximum(
(self.init_observation - self.steady_observations) ** 2, 1e-8))))
[docs] def generate_dataset_with_algorithm(self, algorithm, normalize=None, num_episodes=1, error_reward=-1000.0,
initial_states=None, format='d4rl'):
this function aims to create a dataset for offline reinforcement learning, in either d4rl or pytorch format.
the trajectories are generated by the algorithm, which interacts with this env initialized by initial_states.
algorithm: an instance that has a method predict(observation) -> action: np.ndarray.
if format == 'd4rl', returns a dictionary in d4rl format.
else if format == 'torch', returns an object of type torch.utils.data.Dataset.
if normalize is None:
normalize = self.normalize
initial_states = self.set_initial_states(initial_states, num_episodes)
dataset = {}
dataset["observations"] = []
dataset["actions"] = []
dataset["rewards"] = []
dataset["terminals"] = []
dataset["timeouts"] = []
for n_epi in tqdm(range(num_episodes)):
o = self.reset(initial_state=initial_states[n_epi])
r = 0.0
done = False
timeout = False
final_done = False # to still record for the last t when done
while not final_done:
if done:
final_done = True
# tmp_o is to be normalized, if normalize is true.
tmp_o = o
if normalize:
tmp_o, _, _ = normalize_spaces(tmp_o, self.max_observations, self.min_observations)
a = algorithm.predict(tmp_o)
if normalize:
a, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(a, self.max_actions, self.min_actions)
o, r, done, info = self.step(a)
timeout = info['timeout']
dataset["observations"] = np.array(dataset["observations"])
dataset["actions"] = np.array(dataset["actions"])
dataset["rewards"] = np.array(dataset["rewards"])
dataset["terminals"] = np.array(dataset["terminals"])
dataset["timeouts"] = np.array(dataset["timeouts"])
if format == 'd4rl':
return dataset
elif format == 'torch':
return TorchDatasetFromD4RL(dataset)
raise ValueError(f"format {format} is not supported.")