Source code for smpl.envs.utils

import json
import math
import os
import random
import time
# ---- to capture numpy warnings ----
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces, Env  # to create an openai-gym environment
from mzutils import SimplePriorityQueue, normalize_spaces, denormalize_spaces, mkdir_p
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp  # the ode solver
from import Dataset
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class TorchDatasetFromD4RL(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataset_d4rl) -> None: import d3rlpy """ dataset_d4rl should be a dictionary in the d4rl dataset format. """ self.dataset = d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset(dataset_d4rl['observations'], dataset_d4rl['actions'], dataset_d4rl['rewards'], dataset_d4rl['terminals']) def __len__(self): return self.dataset.__len__() def __getitem__(self, idx): episode = self.dataset.__getitem__(idx) return {'observations': episode.observations, 'actions': episode.actions, 'rewards': episode.rewards}
[docs]class smplEnvBase(Env): def __init__( self, dense_reward=True, normalize=True, debug_mode=False, action_dim=2, observation_dim=3, max_observations=[1.0, 1.0], min_observations=[-1.0, -1.0], max_actions=[1.0, 1.0], min_actions=[-1.0, -1.0], observation_name=None, action_name=None, initial_state_deviation_ratio=None, np_dtype=np.float32, max_steps=None, error_reward=-100.0): """the __init__ of a smpl environment. Args: dense_reward (bool, optional): Whether returns a dense reward or not. If True, will try to return a reward for each step. If False, will return a reward at the end of the episode. Defaults to True. normalize (bool, optional): Whether to normalize the actions taken and observations returned to a certain range. If True, the range $$\in R^n, [-1, 1]^n$$ where n is the dimension of an action/observation. Defaults to True. debug_mode (bool, optional): Whether to return or print extra information. Defaults to False. action_dim (int, optional): TOMODIFY: Dimensionality of an action. Defaults to 2. observation_dim (int, optional): TOMODIFY: Dimensionality of an observation. Defaults to 3. reward_function ([type], optional): Provide to replace with your custom reward function. When not given, use environments' default reward function. Defaults to None. done_calculator ([type], optional): Provide to replace with your custom "episode end here calculator". When not given, use environments' default done calculator. Defaults to None. max_observations (list, optional): TOMODIFY: Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. min_observations (list, optional): TOMODIFY: Defaults to [-1.0, -1.0]. max_actions (list, optional): TOMODIFY: Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. min_actions (list, optional): TOMODIFY: Defaults to [-1.0, -1.0]. observation_name (list, optional): the name of each observation. Defaults to None. action_name (list, optional): the name of each action. Defaults to None. initial_state_deviation_ratio (float, optional): the ratio of the initial state deviation to use for sample_initial_state. Defaults to None. np_dtype (type, optional): Defaults to np.float32. max_steps (int, optional): TOMODIFY: Defaults to None. error_reward (float, optional): When an error is encountered during an episode (this typically means something really bad, like tank overflow). Defaults to -100.0. """ # define arguments self.step_count = 0 self.total_reward = 0 self.done = False self.dense_reward = dense_reward self.normalize = normalize self.debug_mode = debug_mode self.action_dim = action_dim self.observation_dim = observation_dim self.max_observations = max_observations self.min_observations = min_observations self.max_actions = max_actions self.min_actions = min_actions self.observation_name = observation_name self.action_name = action_name if self.observation_name is None: self.observation_name = [f'o_{i}' for i in range(self.observation_dim)] if self.action_name is None: self.action_name = [f'a_{i}' for i in range(self.action_dim)] self.initial_state_deviation_ratio = initial_state_deviation_ratio self.np_dtype = np_dtype self.max_steps = max_steps self.error_reward = error_reward # define the state and action spaces self.max_observations = np.array(self.max_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.min_observations = np.array(self.min_observations, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.max_actions = np.array(self.max_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype) self.min_actions = np.array(self.min_actions, dtype=self.np_dtype) if self.normalize: self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.observation_dim,)) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.action_dim,)) else: self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_observations, high=self.max_observations, shape=(self.observation_dim,)) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=self.min_actions, high=self.max_actions, shape=(self.action_dim,))
[docs] def observation_beyond_box(self, observation): """check if the observation is beyond the box, which is what we don't want. Args: observation ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized observation, as usual. Returns: [bool]: observation is beyond the box or not. """ # TODO: check for how long? observation = self.np_dtype(observation) return (not self.observation_space.contains(observation)) or np.any( np.isnan(observation)) or np.any(np.isinf(observation))
# return np.any(observation > self.max_observations) or np.any(observation < self.min_observations) or np.any( # np.isnan(observation)) or np.any(np.isinf(observation))
[docs] def action_beyond_box(self, action): """check if the action is beyond the box, which is what we don't want. Args: action ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized action, as usual. Returns: [bool]: action is beyond the box or not. """ action = self.np_dtype(action) return (not self.action_space.contains(action)) or np.any( np.isnan(action)) or np.any(np.isinf(action))
# return np.any(action > self.max_actions) or np.any(action < self.min_actions) or np.any( # np.isnan(action)) or np.any(np.isinf(action))
[docs] def reward_function_standard(self, previous_observation, action, current_observation, reward=None): """the s, a, r, s, a calculation. Args: previous_observation ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized observation, as usual. action ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized action, as usual. current_observation ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized observation, as usual. reward ([float]): If reward is provided, directly return the reward. Returns: [float]: reward. """ if self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation) or self.action_beyond_box(action): return self.error_reward elif reward is not None: # TOMODIFY: insert your own reward function here. reward = reward reward = max(self.error_reward, reward) # reward cannot be smaller than the error_reward if self.debug_mode: print("reward:", reward) return reward
[docs] def done_calculator_standard(self, current_observation, step_count, reward, done=None, done_info=None): """check whether the current episode is considered finished. returns a boolean value indicated done or not, and a dictionary with information. here in done_calculator_standard, done_info looks like {"terminal": boolean, "timeout": boolean}, where "timeout" is true when episode end due to reaching the maximum episode length, "terminal" is true when "timeout" or episode end due to termination conditions such as env error encountered. (basically done) Args: current_observation ([np.ndarray]): This is denormalized observation, as usual. step_count ([int]): step_count. reward ([float]): reward. done ([bool], optional): Defaults to None. done_info ([dict], optional): how the environment is finished. Defaults to None. Returns: [(float, dict)]: done and done_info. """ if done is None: done = False else: if done_info is not None: return done, done_info else: raise Exception("When done is given, done_info should also be given.") if done_info is None: done_info = {"terminal": False, "timeout": False} # done_info["terminal"] and done_info["timeout"] can only be flip from False to True, not vice versa. else: if done_info["terminal"] or done_info["timeout"]: done = True return done, done_info # check for valid observation if self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation): # here we dont have action_beyond_box since action should not be passed in to done_calculator_standard. # however if action is beyond the box in step fucntion, reward_function_standard has already checked it # and the error_reward check below will be triggered. done_info["terminal"] = True done = True # check for valid reward if reward == self.error_reward: done_info["terminal"] = True done = True if math.isnan(reward): done_info["terminal"] = True done = True # check for step_count if step_count >= self.max_steps: # same as range(0, max_steps) done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["timeout"] = True done = True # TOMODIFY: insert your own done calculator here. return done, done_info
[docs] def observation_done_and_reward_calculator(self, current_observation, action, normalize=None, step_reward=None, done_info=None): """the s, a, r, s, a rollout, with error checks. Args: current_observation (list or np.ndarray): This is denormalized observation, as usual. previous_observation (np.ndarray): This is denormalized observation, as usual. action (np.ndarray): This is denormalized action, as usual. normalize (bool): Defaults to None. step_reward (float, optional): The reward of current step. Defaults to None. done_info (dict, optional): Defaults to None. Returns: observation (np.ndarray): This is the returned observation controlled by the normalize argument, for step function. [(float, bool, dict)]: reward, done and done_info. done_info looks like {"timeout": boolean, "error_occurred": boolean, "terminal": boolean}, where "timeout" is true when episode end due to reaching the maximum episode length, "error_occurred": is true when episode end due to env error encountered, "terminal" is true when "timeout" or episode end due to termination conditions such as product collection is finished. (basically done). "terminal" should be True whenever timeout or error_occurred. """ current_observation = np.array(current_observation, dtype=self.np_dtype) if done_info is None: done_info = {"timeout": False, "error_occurred": False, "terminal": False} # done_info["terminal"] and done_info["timeout"] can only be flip from False to True, not vice versa. # check for step_count if self.step_count >= self.max_steps: # same as range(0, max_steps) done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["timeout"] = True # check for valid observation and action if self.observation_beyond_box(current_observation) or self.action_beyond_box(action): done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["error_occurred"] = True # check for valid reward if step_reward == self.error_reward: done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["error_occurred"] = True if math.isnan(step_reward): done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["error_occurred"] = True # TOMODIFY: mostly you won't, but you can add your own done calculation here if necessary. if not done_info["terminal"]: # TOMODIFY: compute your reward here, or use the reward argument passed in by step function. step_reward = step_reward # check for valid reward, again. step_reward = max(self.error_reward, step_reward) # reward cannot be smaller than the error_reward if step_reward == self.error_reward: done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["error_occurred"] = True if math.isnan(step_reward): done_info["terminal"] = True done_info["error_occurred"] = True if done_info["error_occurred"] or done_info["timeout"]: assert done_info["terminal"] if done_info["error_occurred"] is True: # error occured. Set reward to self.error_reward. self.total_reward = self.error_reward reward = self.error_reward else: # figure out step_reward or total_reward to return. self.total_reward += step_reward if self.dense_reward: reward = step_reward elif not done_info["terminal"]: reward = 0.0 else: reward = self.total_reward if self.debug_mode: print("reward:", reward) observation = current_observation self.previous_observation = observation observation = observation.clip(self.min_observations, self.max_observations) # clip observation so that it won't be beyond the box if normalize: observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) self.step_count += 1 return observation, reward, done_info["terminal"], done_info
[docs] def sample_initial_state(self): return self.observation_space.sample()
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None, normalize=None): """ Required by gym, this function resets the environment and returns an initial observation. """ self.step_count = 0 self.total_reward = 0 self.done = False if initial_state is not None: initial_state = np.array(initial_state, dtype=self.np_dtype) observation = initial_state self.init_observation = initial_state else: observation = self.sample_initial_state() self.init_observation = observation self.previous_observation = observation # TOMODIFY: reset your environment here. normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize if normalize: observation, _, _ = normalize_spaces(observation, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) return observation
[docs] def step(self, action, normalize=None): """ Required by gym, his function performs one step within the environment and returns the observation, the reward, whether the episode is finished and debug information, if any. """ if self.debug_mode: print("action:", action) reward = None done_info = None action = np.array(action, dtype=self.np_dtype) normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize if normalize: action, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(action, self.max_actions, self.min_actions) try: # TOMODIFY: proceed your environment here and collect the observation. The observation should be a numpy array. # optionally, done or done_info cane be provided here. # If done = True, then done_info["terminal"] and at least one of done_info["timeout"] or done_info["error_occurred"] should be True. observation = [0.0, 0.0] # done_info = {"timeout": boolean, "error_occurred": boolean, "terminal": boolean} except Exception as e: observation = self.min_observations done_info = {"timeout": False, "error_occurred": True, "terminal": True} observation, reward, done, done_info = self.observation_done_and_reward_calculator(observation, action, normalize=normalize, step_reward=reward, done_info=done_info) info = {} info.update(done_info) return observation, reward, done, info
[docs] def set_initial_states(self, initial_states, num_episodes): if initial_states is None: initial_states = [self.sample_initial_state() for _ in range(num_episodes)] elif isinstance(initial_states, str): initial_states = np.load(initial_states) assert len(initial_states) == num_episodes return initial_states
[docs] def evenly_spread_initial_states(self, val_per_state, dump_location=None): """ Evenly spread initial states. This function is needed only if the environment has steady_observations. Args: val_per_state (int): how many values to sampler per state. Returns: [initial_states]: evenly spread initial_states. """ initial_state_deviation_ratio = self.initial_state_deviation_ratio steady_observations = self.steady_observations len_obs = len(steady_observations) val_range = val_per_state ** len_obs initial_states = np.zeros([val_range, len_obs]) tmp_o = [] for oi in range(len_obs): tmp_o.append(np.linspace(steady_observations[oi] * (1.0 - initial_state_deviation_ratio), steady_observations[oi] * (1.0 + initial_state_deviation_ratio), num=val_per_state, endpoint=True)) for i in range(val_range): tmp_val_range = i curr_val = [] for oi in range(len_obs): rmder = tmp_val_range % val_per_state curr_val.append(tmp_o[oi][rmder]) tmp_val_range = int((tmp_val_range - rmder) / val_per_state) initial_states[i] = curr_val if dump_location is not None:, initial_states) return initial_states
[docs] def evalute_algorithms(self, algorithms, num_episodes=1, error_reward=None, initial_states=None, to_plt=True, plot_dir='./plt_results'): """ when excecuting evalute_algorithms, the self.normalize should be False. algorithms: list of (algorithm, algorithm_name, normalize). algorithm has to have a method predict(observation) -> action: np.ndarray. num_episodes: number of episodes to run error_reward: overwrite self.error_reward initial_states: None, location of numpy file of initial states or a (numpy) list of initial states to_plt: whether generates plot or not plot_dir: None or directory to save plots returns: observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list """ try: assert self.normalize is False except AssertionError: print("env.normalize should be False when executing evalute_algorithms") self.normalize = False if error_reward is not None: self.error_reward = error_reward if plot_dir is not None: mkdir_p(plot_dir) initial_states = self.set_initial_states(initial_states, num_episodes) observations_list = [[] for _ in range( len(algorithms))] # observations_list[i][j][t][k] is algorithm_i_game_j_observation_t_element_k actions_list = [[] for _ in range(len(algorithms))] # actions_list[i][j][t][k] is algorithm_i_game_j_action_t_element_k rewards_list = [[] for _ in range(len(algorithms))] # rewards_list[i][j][t] is algorithm_i_game_j_reward_t for n_epi in tqdm(range(num_episodes)): for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)): algo, algo_name, normalize = algorithms[n_algo] try: algo.reset() except AttributeError: pass algo_observes = [] algo_actions = [] algo_rewards = [] # list, for this algorithm, reawards of this trajectory. try: init_obs = self.reset(initial_state=initial_states[n_epi]) except TypeError: # means env cant set with initial_state, like PenSimEnvGym init_obs = self.reset() # algo_observes.append(init_obs) o = init_obs done = False while not done: if normalize: o, _, _ = normalize_spaces(o, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) a = algo.predict(o) if normalize: a, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(a, self.max_actions, self.min_actions) algo_actions.append(a) o, r, done, _ = self.step(a) algo_observes.append(o) algo_rewards.append(r) observations_list[n_algo].append(algo_observes) actions_list[n_algo].append(algo_actions) rewards_list[n_algo].append(algo_rewards) if to_plt: # plot observations for n_o in range(self.observation_dim): o_name = self.observation_name[n_o] plt.close("all") plt.figure(0) plt.title(f"{o_name}") for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)): alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo)) _, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo] plt.plot(np.array(observations_list[n_algo][-1])[:, n_o], label=algo_name, alpha=alpha) plt.plot([initial_states[n_epi][n_o] for _ in range(self.max_steps)], linestyle="--", label=f"initial_{o_name}") plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1)) plt.annotate(str(initial_states[n_epi][n_o]), xy=(0, initial_states[n_epi][n_o])) plt.legend() if plot_dir is not None: path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_observation_{o_name}.png") plt.savefig(path_name) plt.close() # plot actions for n_a in range(self.action_dim): a_name = self.action_name[n_a] plt.close("all") plt.figure(0) plt.title(f"{a_name}") for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)): alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo)) _, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo] plt.plot(np.array(actions_list[n_algo][-1])[:, n_a], label=algo_name, alpha=alpha) plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1)) plt.legend() if plot_dir is not None: path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_action_{a_name}.png") plt.savefig(path_name) plt.close() # plot rewards plt.close("all") plt.figure(0) plt.title("reward") for n_algo in range(len(algorithms)): alpha = 1 * (0.7 ** (len(algorithms) - 1 - n_algo)) _, algo_name, _ = algorithms[n_algo] plt.plot(np.array(rewards_list[n_algo][-1]), label=algo_name, alpha=alpha) plt.xticks(np.arange(1, self.max_steps + 2, 1)) plt.legend() if plot_dir is not None: path_name = os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{n_epi}_reward.png") plt.savefig(path_name) plt.close() observations_list = np.array(observations_list) actions_list = np.array(actions_list) rewards_list = np.array(rewards_list) return observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list
[docs] def algorithms_to_algo_names(self, algorithms): """ Args: algorithms: list of (algorithm, algorithm_name, normalize). Returns: list of algorithm_name. """ algo_names = [] for algo, algo_name, _ in algorithms: algo_names.append(algo_name) return algo_names
[docs] def report_rewards(self, rewards_list, algo_names=None, save_dir=None): """ returns: mean and std of rewards over all episodes. since the rewards_list is not aligned (e.g. some trajectories are shorter than the others), so we cannot directly convert it to numpy array. we have to convert and unwrap the nested list. on_episodes first average the rewards_list over episodes, then compute the mean and std. all_rewards directly compute the mean and std for each step. # rewards_list[i][j][t] is algorithm_i_game_j_reward_t. """ result_dict = {} if algo_names is None: algo_names = [] for i in range(len(rewards_list)): algo_names.append(f'algo_{i}') num_episodes = len(rewards_list[0]) for n_algo in range(len(algo_names)): algo_name = algo_names[n_algo] rewards_list_curr_algo = rewards_list[n_algo] rewards_mean_over_episodes = [] # rewards_mean_over_episodes[n_epi] is mean of rewards of n_epi for n_epi in range(num_episodes): if rewards_list_curr_algo[n_epi][-1] == self.error_reward: rewards_mean_over_episodes.append(self.error_reward) else: rewards_mean_over_episodes.append(np.mean(rewards_list_curr_algo[n_epi])) on_episodes_reward_mean = np.mean(rewards_mean_over_episodes) on_episodes_reward_std = np.std(rewards_mean_over_episodes) unwrap_list = [] for games_r_list in rewards_list_curr_algo: unwrap_list += list(games_r_list) all_reward_mean = np.mean(unwrap_list) all_reward_std = np.std(unwrap_list) print(f"{algo_name}_on_episodes_reward_mean: {on_episodes_reward_mean}") result_dict[algo_name + "_on_episodes_reward_mean"] = on_episodes_reward_mean print(f"{algo_name}_on_episodes_reward_std: {on_episodes_reward_std}") result_dict[algo_name + "_on_episodes_reward_std"] = on_episodes_reward_std print(f"{algo_name}_all_reward_mean: {all_reward_mean}") result_dict[algo_name + "_all_reward_mean"] = all_reward_mean print(f"{algo_name}_all_reward_std: {all_reward_std}") result_dict[algo_name + "_all_reward_std"] = all_reward_std mkdir_p(save_dir) f_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'result.json') json.dump(result_dict, open(f_dir, 'w+')) return result_dict
[docs] def dataset_to_observations_actions_rewards_list(self, dataset): """_summary_ Args: dataset (_type_): d4rl or torch format dataset obtained from generate_dataset_with_algorithm Returns: the same as evalute_algorithms """ try: dataset = TorchDatasetFromD4RL(dataset) # convert to torch dataset except TypeError: pass observations_list_0 = [] actions_list_0 = [] rewards_list_0 = [] # observations_list[i][j][t][k] is algorithm_i_game_j_observation_t_element_k for j in range(len(dataset)): curr_game = dataset[j] observations_list_0.append(curr_game['observations'].tolist()) actions_list_0.append(curr_game['actions'].tolist()) rewards_list_0.append(curr_game['rewards'].tolist()) observations_list = [observations_list_0] actions_list = [actions_list_0] rewards_list = [rewards_list_0] return observations_list, actions_list, rewards_list
[docs] def generate_dataset_with_algorithm(self, algorithm, normalize=None, num_episodes=1, error_reward=-1000.0, initial_states=None, format='d4rl'): """ this function aims to create a dataset for offline reinforcement learning, in either d4rl or pytorch format. the trajectories are generated by the algorithm, which interacts with this env initialized by initial_states. algorithm: an instance that has a method predict(observation) -> action: np.ndarray. if format == 'd4rl', returns a dictionary in d4rl format. else if format == 'torch', returns an object of type """ if normalize is None: normalize = self.normalize initial_states = self.set_initial_states(initial_states, num_episodes) dataset = {} dataset["observations"] = [] dataset["actions"] = [] dataset["rewards"] = [] dataset["terminals"] = [] dataset["timeouts"] = [] dataset["predict_time_taken"] = [] for n_epi in tqdm(range(num_episodes)): o = self.reset(initial_state=initial_states[n_epi]) r = 0.0 done = False timeout = False final_done = False # to still record for the last t when done while not final_done: if done: final_done = True # tmp_o is to be normalized, if normalize is true. tmp_o = o if normalize: tmp_o, _, _ = normalize_spaces(tmp_o, self.max_observations, self.min_observations) curr_time = time.time() a = algorithm.predict(tmp_o) time_taken = time.time() - curr_time curr_time = time.time() if normalize: a, _, _ = denormalize_spaces(a, self.max_actions, self.min_actions) dataset['observations'].append(o) dataset['actions'].append(a) dataset['rewards'].append(r) dataset['terminals'].append(done) dataset["timeouts"].append(timeout) dataset['predict_time_taken'].append(time_taken) o, r, done, info = self.step(a) timeout = info['timeout'] dataset["observations"] = np.array(dataset["observations"]) dataset["actions"] = np.array(dataset["actions"]) dataset["rewards"] = np.array(dataset["rewards"]) dataset["terminals"] = np.array(dataset["terminals"]) dataset["timeouts"] = np.array(dataset["timeouts"]) if format == 'd4rl': return dataset elif format == 'torch': return TorchDatasetFromD4RL(dataset) else: raise ValueError(f"format {format} is not supported.")